Water Valley Revisited

We love Mississippi's small towns. We've visited communities that are flourishing, communities that seem unable to make a go of it, and everything in between. But some places just seem to draw us back time and again to ogle their progress and enjoy their hospitality. Water Valley is that kind of place.

Quite a number of local residents work in nearby Oxford - or used to - but prefer elegant Water Valley's quiet charm. There is a plethora of beautiful old homes, many of which have been recently renovated by the growing number of artsy folk who call W.V. home. You just never know what you'll see next in this quirky little town.

As lovely as the neighborhoods are, it's the downtown area we like to check out periodically, and we were happy to see that one of our favorites, BTC Grocery, has expanded. They've moved their primary dining into a delightful area that used to belong to their next-door neighbor (note the "Cafe" sign).

We can personally recommend the Hammy Wayne, the Lola Burger, and the Harvest Moon with Sweet Potato Mayo, but we are fairly confident that you can't go wrong, whatever you choose. 

The food was great, but our hearts fairly fluttered in our chests when we saw the sign pictured below. The former dining area will feature antiques and the like for sale!

Food+Antiques=Happiness for Tiny Travelers!

Want to know more about Water Valley?  Check out our original article here.


  1. WooHoo! So glad they are still going, and so are you! I really need some serious antiqueing.

  2. Thanks, Suzassippi! And, by the way, that's a great photo!
